Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Teeny Tiny Tyrant: Triumphant!

My The Mama was going to write you a post about how to actually enjoy the holidays, but she is too tired, and besides, I, Miss Baby have assumed control of the household.

Do not assume from the big purple bags under my eyes and my deep and soulful expression that I am one super-exhausted baby. Well, don't assume that I will sleep. Because I won't. In fact, to make this point perfectly clear, last night I got up at 10:15, 3:10, 3:50, and 5:15 before starting my day at 7:06! Yes, that's four wakeups. The Mama and The Dada were very surprised and, I think, impressed by my new talents: unswaddling myself, skooching up to the top corner of the crib, wedging myself there in a blanket tornado, and then yelling. I got a lot of practice doing this last night, so I'm pretty confident in this area now.

Because of the wild success of my night-time tour de force, I figured I deserved a bit of a break this morning, so I napped for almost two hours! This was a real surprise to The Dada, who didn't dare nap himself for longer than 30 minutes for fear of not hearing me get up at 32 minutes like yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that. He's getting tireder and tireder as I get perkier and perkier. Wheeeeee! The Dada, you didn't get the memo about today's long nap? My bad ...

As for The Mama, she tried to sleep in this morning but I yelled way too loud and often. Ha ha, The Mama! I wanted her to come to the kitchen and play with me and The Dada and she did! Hooray! And I smiled and drooled and cooed and was happy. But The Mama and The Dada both looked like they had been hit by trucks. So I woke them up with a giant liquid poopie explosion! Nothing like an entire outfit change to cheer up the morning! Before, their eyes were half closed. After, their eyes were half-closed and watering. Yay!

The Mama says she'll be back tomorrow--she's slumped in the corner muttering something about 'so tired ... left boobie milk in cooler on desk ... at work ...' and The Dada is leaving with her office keys. Good luck! Bwah-ha-ha-ha ...


Mad said...

It gets better. It really does.

Now the question is, "Is this comment directed to Miss Baby or her long-suffering folks?"

N. said...

Kid, it is a good thing you are cute. Work it. Work it for all it is worth. But remember never bite/tease/torture the boob that feeds you.

(Poor, Mimi. Hope you feel better soon.)

ewe are here said...

Hang in there The Mama and The Dada! It will get better, it will!

My only piece of 'assvice' that I can offer is to perhaps try what we did: my husband and I slept in separate rooms for the first few months (I know you're past that point, but stilll...). We put a baby bed in each room and each took half the night; when the first person's 'half' was over, they quietly deposited the baby into the other bed in the other room. This ensured we each got at least a half night's sleep and probably made all the difference.

ruby rojo said...

No advice here... just commiseration. Swee'pea has never slept more than five hours in a row, and that only on special occasions.

But the liquid poop explosions do stop (at least I hope they have).

cinnamon gurl said...

aarrgghh!! That was me.

11111111 said...

We solved this by having our baby sleep with us. After that, she always slept through the night. We moved her back to her own bed before her second birthday and we haven't had a problem since (she's now 5).