Monday, January 15, 2007

On the frontier


Not dead or given up blogging or having a fit of pique. Flew to Alberta for work and visit with in-laws with Pynchon and Miss Baby. Into a blizzard on Wednesday, and back into an ice storm goddawful late last night. More soon. Time-adjusting and baby-adjusting and gotta-teach-today adjusting.

Better if I say we give her Twizzlers? Or that we let her play with plastic bags?

Thanks for all your lovely comments on massive meme post. We will now resume regular, unscheduled programming.


cinnamon gurl said...

Oh good... sometimes my imagination gets the best of me... we're just about to head off ourselves...

Beck said...

Glad to see you back. Isn't travelling in storms the MOST fun? I find that by the end of the day I'm tired enough to let The Baby play with anything that's not actually plugged in.

Mad said...

Yes, the flight to Edmonton with an infant. I remember it well. Shudder.

Her Bad Mother said...

Flying with babies? Plastic bags are nothing. Let them play with the mini liquor bottles.

Forgive me. Am sleep deprived.

N. said...

I find when boarding an airplane it is best to ask of the collected flight attendants standing by the gantry, "So which of you is the pilot-appointed, official-diaper changer?"

My favourite part of airplane travel with children: the baby and toddler ghetto at the back of the plane. I love my peeps.