Saturday, February 14, 2009

Best! Valentine's Day! Ever!

This has been the best Valentine's day in recent memory.

After an awful night of coughing and noseblowing and poor sleep, I woke up to the sound of Pynchon and Munchkin arguing: she was having a severe Mommy-mommy-mommy tantrum and he'd just banned her from TV for the day. Pynchon was feeling gross and headed back to bed for a nap--two hours later, after playing with every toy in the house, Munchkin and I woke him up.

I went to bed for a three hour nap, and Pynchon and Munchkin played with every toy in the house, again. When I awoke, Pynchon plucked the very first captured-from-the-wild grey hair out of my head. A good six inches long, and perfectly white: unequivocally, there is no disputing the forward march of age now. Sigh.

Still, there were cards and chocolates, and, really, we were all mostly in a good mood considering the amount of hacking and sneezing and moaning and sleeping being indulged in by all three of us. It was a nearly perfect day, relatively speaking.

Remember what we're comparing it to: snowstorms, buggered-up necks and frozen pipes? cancelled job interviews, pneumonia, and chemotherapy shuttle runs? Ha! Today, Pynchon and I were kind to each other, and I would marry him again in a heartbeat if I had to do it all over again. Munchkin asked me to be her Valentine so she could love me "all the year through." It's the best Valentine's day, ever. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Nancy Vogler said...

Mimi, I am an 'old Mother' of sixty, but I have to tell you about a New Year's Day thirty-eight years ago when our son was almost one. My husband and I found ourselves suffering with stomach flu and diarrhea and chasing down the hallway, sometimes literally running into each other, to use the one and only toilet. At that time, I remembered thinking that God or the Universe must have a dandy sense of humor but I wasn't seeing much humor in the situation! And truly, no where in the intervening thirty-eight years, have we ever spent another New Year's Day as bad as that one!

S said...

well i'm glad it was a good one. in a relative sense.

Melanie D. said...

It's great that there's always something to compare a mediocre day to to make it even better. I wish I could say the same, but that's another story entirely.
I hope you're feeling better soon!

Kyla said...

I'm glad it was good, even through the snot.

ewe are here said...

she wants to love you "all the year through"?!

So very sweet.

Patti said...

"I would marry him again in a heartbeat" - I love it!

I'd marry mine again too.

Beck said...

We went to McDonalds. With our kids. ROMANCE!
That's your first white hair? DUDE. If I didn't dye my hair every three minutes, I would have GREY HAIR. i am so envious.

Mimi said...

Beck: just found my first white eyebrow hair this morning--all systems are failing concurrently.

Mandy said...

Happy belated Valentine's day.

Jenifer said...

Romance in the kid lane...your first grey hair? Ha. Mine are trying to get in full control.

Run ANC said...

Any day that includes chocolate is OK by me.

kittenpie said...

It seems to be a whole different thing once you're married with children, but somehow, while I wouldn't mind a bit of the old back for that one day, on the whole I don't think I'd trade.